Date: Mon, 4 Apr 94 04:30:22 PDT From: Ham-Digital Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Digital-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Digital@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Digital Digest V94 #96 To: Ham-Digital Ham-Digital Digest Mon, 4 Apr 94 Volume 94 : Issue 96 Today's Topics: FTP-able copy of AX.25 standard? Packet BBS TNET-X1J (2 msgs) weather obs by packet Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Digital Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-digital". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 20:36:21 GMT From:!usc!!wupost!!! Subject: FTP-able copy of AX.25 standard? To: I'm too cheap (well, perhaps, "too cheap" is not an operative phrase in ham lingo) to buy a book with a description of AX.25. Besides I'm a regulation kinda guy, and I would like to have a look at the official...(drum roll, please)... "American Radio Relay League, Inc., AX. 25 Amateur Packet-Radio Link-Layer Protocol, Version 2.0, October 1984 (or compatible)," as quoted from my FTP'ed version of Part 97. I am assuming, of course, that my copy of Part 97 is citing the most recent revision of AX.25. At any rate, is it around? thanks jb ------------------------------ Date: 3 Apr 94 19:50:28 GMT From: agate!!!!!! Subject: Packet BBS To: I am wanting to run a packet BBS using a PC and a MFJ-1270. Does anyone know any good PBBS programs and where to get them. Tnx es 73 de KB5ULK -- _______________________________________________________________________________ David Fox (KB5ULK) |Disclaimer: My words or actions Internet: |actions of the University or of |Radio East Texas State University, |unless, of course, there was a 2m band: 147.02, 146.78, 146.52 Mhz. |vote!!! :) "Treat your airplane like a woman. Get inside her and take her to heaven and back, five times a day!! WOOF WOOF!" - Lord Flasheart, from Blackadder IV "Set bazookoids to kill, stuff, and mount!"-Dave Lister, from Red Dwarf ________________________________________________________________________________ ------------------------------ Date: 3 Apr 94 09:14:34 GMT From: agate!!pipex!demon!! Subject: TNET-X1J To: In article <> (Daniel J. Meredith) writes: >Hello Out there! > I have just implemented the X1-J software on my backbone network and am >having some difficulty with the ACL function. Unfortunately we have some >abusers out here, and the function does not appear to work whatsoever. >If anyone has experience with this and is making it work, please advise. > Although I have only tried it on X1H, I have had the same problem. >Your help would be greatly appreciated. I've attempted to contact the >author, G8KBB@G8KBB.AMPR.ORG, but nothing received back just yet. > It is very unlikely that you will ever get anything back from that address, I think all 44.*.*.* stuff currently gets routed to somewhere in the US, and there is insufficient information to get it any further. You could try on the AX25 packet network instead. Dave -- ***************************************************************************** * G4WRW @ GB7WRW.#41.GBR.EU AX25 * Start at the beginning. Go on * * Internet * until the end. Then stop. * * Amprnet * (the king to the white rabbit) * ***************************************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: 3 Apr 94 14:34:30 GMT From: agate!!pipex!demon!! Subject: TNET-X1J To: In article <> "Daniel J. Meredith" writes: > Hello Out there! > I have just implemented the X1-J software on my backbone network and am > having some difficulty with the ACL function. Unfortunately we have some > abusers out here, and the function does not appear to work whatsoever. > If anyone has experience with this and is making it work, please advise. > > Your help would be greatly appreciated. I've attempted to contact the > author, G8KBB@G8KBB.AMPR.ORG, but nothing received back just yet. > > The mail address for G8KBB is G8KBB@GB7MXM.#36.GBR.EU IP across the pond depends on too many factors, mother luck being the primary one. 73 -- Paul Turvey | | Amprnet: | AX25: ------------------------------ Date: 4 Apr 94 05:33:11 GMT From:!agate!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! Subject: weather obs by packet To: I'm looking for anyone who has (or is planning ) to interface weather instruments with packet system at their station. Drop me a line with success stories, questions, etc. Stevenb Lapinskas KA1JJA ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 3 Apr 1994 19:43:52 GMT From:!!!!! To: References , <>, <2n8llk$> Subject : Re: HELP: Anyone know what a XR2206 chip is? >In article <>, >Christopher Barnhart wrote: >> >>This device is a Monolithic Function Generator made by EXAR. >>Don't know where do get them anymore. I think EXAR died EXAR still exists, a friend of mine works there in Silicon Valley. Talked with him a few days ago, so as of a few days ago, EXAR is alive. Don't know if they own themselves, or someone else does.... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Happy chocolate bunnies! ------------------------------ End of Ham-Digital Digest V94 #96 ******************************